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Preventing Provider Burnout: A Refreshing Retreat Recap

Jun 3, 2024 3:41:00 PM / by Stephanie Yoder, MSN, RN posted in mental health, stress, burnout


For the first time in five years, healthcare professionals gathered in downtown Winston-Salem at the beautiful, historic Brookstown Inn for Preventing Provider Burnout. Kicking off the two-day retreat, participants were guided through a rejuvenating wellness activity by the esteemed director of Arts and Wellness at the Sawtooth Center.

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Taking Time to Care for Ourselves - Join us for this Retreat on April 25th at the Brookstown Inn

Feb 22, 2024 8:42:33 AM / by Brooke Kochanski posted in stress, medical provider, burnout, self care


This retreat will focus on self-care, and helping professionals to prevent burnout in their care of others. It will be a great place to gather with colleagues to have some fun while learning. The restful environment is sure to be a great gift for employees or friends/family that may be at risk for burnout. Get signed up today!

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Anxiety and Life Satisfaction with Coach James Traub

Oct 13, 2023 10:33:49 AM / by Andrew L. Brewer, MS, NBHWC posted in Wellness, Healthcare Insights, mental health, stress, behavioral health, Health coach, therapy, trauma, anxiety, PTSD, communication, outcomes, podcast, depression, referral, burnout, counseling, suicide, resource, self care, psychiatry, Adult health, coaching, masculinity


Emotions are energy in motion. How we embody them into our current state of being determines our mood, disposition, dopamine and cortisol levels, and much more. If we find ourselves in a state of anxiety, James suggests ways to work out a path through, and closer to peace of mind, calm, confidence, and more.

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Something We Could All Benefit From These Days: Tips for Lower Stress

Mar 1, 2021 9:30:00 AM / by Brooke Kochanski posted in Wellness, stress


Your mind deserves better than to be loaded down with the never-ending job of worrying! Some stress can be beneficial and may lead to actual problem-solving, but a lot of our stress is unnecessary and even harmful.

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