The 42nd Annual Perinatal Conference: Gravidas at Risk brought together over 140 healthcare professionals including nurses, care managers, providers, and educators eager to expand their knowledge in perinatal care. The conference, held over two days at the Hickory Metro Convention Center, served as a platform for education and collaboration among those dedicated to improving maternal and neonatal outcomes.
Highlights from the 42nd Annual Perinatal Conference on High-Risk Pregnancy
Jan 21, 2025 7:30:00 AM / by Stephanie Yoder, MSN, RN posted in Pregnancy, Nursing, rural health, postpartum, gravidas
Secure Your Spot Now: Join Us for the 7th Annual NC AHEC Rural Health Nursing Conference on March 13th
Jan 16, 2025 9:30:00 AM / by Brooke Kochanski posted in Nursing, rural health
As we continue to celebrate the unique role and essential service of nursing in rural healthcare, the NC AHEC Nurse Council welcomes you to join us for the 7th Annual NC AHEC Celebration of Rural Nursing Conference in honor of National Rural Health Day. This year we will address statewide healthcare network resources and pathways to improve access to care for your patients and families.
Our expert speaker faculty and panel members will be diverse in offering a variety of community health agencies and interprofessional service providers whose focus is prevention, primary care, improving public health and rural access.
After the Storm: Empowering Rural Nurses for Mental Health Response and Resilience in Disaster Recovery
Nov 5, 2024 10:00:00 AM / by Brooke Kochanski posted in Nursing, rural health, disaster recovery
Due to the devastating impact of Hurricane Helene on Western NC, the NC AHEC Nurse Council has decided to reschedule the 7th Annual Statewide AHEC Celebration for Rural Nursing Conference. Information details for the rescheduled date will be sent separately. Alternatively, we are hosting this free educational support program for rural health nurses still in honor of the upcoming National Rural Health Day in November.
Thursday, November 14, 2024 | 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. | Livestream Webinar
As our healthcare providers in our communities are focusing on disaster relief and resiliency, they face these many challenging questions in bringing support to those suffering PTSD while trying to rebuild a new future:
- What do you say to someone who has lost everything?
- What resources are available for survivors?
- How can you distinguish between a normal post-disaster reaction and a serious mental health issue?
- What are the best ways to support children and other vulnerable populations?
Rural healthcare professionals are the heart of your communities and will play a crucial role in helping the people of North Carolina recover from the devastation of Hurricane Helene. The road to recovery after a catastrophic natural disaster is long, and survivors will need support for years to come. This session, led by our faculty of disaster recovery mental health professionals, will equip you with the skills and knowledge to face the unique challenges of disaster response as you help communities rebuild.
Empowering more healthcare professionals, particularly rural nurses, to be trained and ready to respond in times of disaster will be an invaluable asset to our local communities, state, nation, and world. Topic specific focus on hurricane relief for NC will be covered that is reflective of both eastern and western experiences in our state.
Additionally, we will offer optional breakout sessions focused on group listening, networking support, and identifying best practices to address the current disaster support needs of the state.
- Describe the impacts of disasters on the brain and body.
- Assess and triage the needs of survivors.
- Demonstrate effective techniques for stabilization after disasters.
- Provide support to special populations, such as children and individuals with special needs.
- Explain the orientation for Disaster Mental Health (DMH) response.
- Implement basic skills required for deployment in a DMH role.
- Distinguish variable disaster response in diverse communities.
Collaborating for Community Health: NWAHEC's Rural Health Center Visits
May 3, 2024 8:10:22 AM / by Medina Wilson, MBA, CPC, CPPM posted in rural health centers, Office of Rural Health, rural health
This week has been bustling for Northwest AHEC and the Office of Rural Health (ORH), with three site visits to the State Designated Rural Health Centers! Our partnership with SDRHC and ORH ensures top-notch primary healthcare for all residents in their communities. At NWAHEC, we're delighted to collaborate with these organizations, which truly strive to address the needs of their communities. A big thanks to Grace Clinic in Elkin, Surry Medical Ministries in Mt Airy and Hugh Chatham in Ronda and of course, working with the ORH team is always a pleasure.
Register Now for Rural Health Nursing Conference: 6th Annual Statewide Celebration
Sep 28, 2023 1:19:00 PM / by Brooke Kochanski posted in Nursing, rural health, registered nurse
Building on the 2022 Annual Celebration of Rural Nursing, this year’s conference will focus on key topics that cover demographics from the infant to end-of-life healthcare spectrum for each generation. Content experts will discuss topics relevant to prevention and compassionate care for rural health disparities across the lifecycle. Program education topics will include: Infant mortality, adverse childhood experiences (ACES), suicide prevention for youth and adults, advance care directives, and hospice & palliative care.
Ethical Challenges in Small Community Practice
Apr 19, 2023 9:03:00 AM / by Brooke Kochanski posted in Community, rural health, practice management
Join us on June 2, 2023 / 8:30 am–12:45 pm at Hawthorne Inn / Winston-Salem, NC
Practice Support Team Provides Valuable Resource for Newton Family Physicians - Managing Difficult Patient Situations
Mar 17, 2023 11:18:52 AM / by Brooke Kochanski posted in rural health, practice support, practice management
One of Northwest AHEC's practices in located in Catawba County recently received a training from Practice Support staff on Managing Difficult Patient Situations. Practice Administrator for Newton Family Physicians P.A., Melissa White, commended our staff and services "NWAHEC is a valuable resource for us and recently assisted us in some valuable training for my staff."
Continuous Education - 3 years of learning from the COVID pandemic
Mar 16, 2023 1:45:00 PM / by Brooke Kochanski posted in COVID-19, learning, rural health, online learning, continuing education
Three years after the world shut down and forced a stay-at-home order due to COVID-19 pandemic response, Northwest AHEC is looking back and REFLECTING on what we have learned.
Please join us in celebration of rural health nursing!
Sep 16, 2022 9:47:00 AM / by Brooke Kochanski posted in Nursing, rural health
The 5th Annual NC AHEC Statewide Celebration of Rural Health Nursing Conference will take place via Live Webinar on November 4th.
Dr. John Tinga - 45 Years Ago Participated in AHEC Program - Where Is He Today?
Mar 3, 2022 4:30:00 PM / by Brooke Kochanski posted in NCAHEC, Healthcare Insights, Medicine, Obstetrics, rural health
Dr. John Tinga practiced Obstetrics in eastern North Carolina for 40 years and delivered over 8,000 babies. We recently had him on our Healthcare Insights Podcast where he talks about his training, the challenges with rural medicine, his experience with AHEC, and shares his insights on the joys and challenges of medical practice.