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Medicare Education 101 with Marvin Musick

May 20, 2024 3:46:25 PM / by Andrew L. Brewer, MS, NBHWC posted in Medicaid, Uninsured, Primary Care, medicare, learning, Healthcare Insights, care planning, online learning, Preventive Care, health literacy, podcast, access, financial assistance, medical provider, prescriptions, compassion fatigue, Tailored Plans, Medicare advantage, health care, Adult health, insurance


Pastor and founder of MedicareSchool.com joins us for a primer on Medicare. He demystifies Medicare, when and how it begins, what you can receive, and cost considerations. And he shares the decision making processes (and common mistakes) people make when choosing their coverage.

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Unveiling Ethical Psychopharmacology: Examining Transparency, Marketing, and Informed Consent

Apr 16, 2024 8:00:00 AM / by Brooke Kochanski posted in mental health, Substance Use, behavioral health, social work, psychology, prescriptions, medications


Ethical Psychopharmacology is a look at several different aspects of how psychoactive drugs are evaluated, marketed, and promoted by prescribers by looking at issues of transparency, research data, conflict of interest, funding sources and their interests, and informed consent. I will describe the drug approval process through the FDA, history of the DSM and how the diagnostic process has been influenced by money, big Pharma, and conflict of interest. We will look at some clever marketing messages and the difference between marketing and science. 

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Building Upon Success - Best Practices in Opioids Prescribing and Management Webinars

May 12, 2022 3:00:00 PM / by Leslie D McDowell, DNP, ANP-BC, RN posted in opioid, online learning, prescriptions


Building on the success of previous ‘Lunch and Learn’ offerings to regional primary care practices, Northwest AHEC provided ten online self-paced modules in 2020-2022 on a variety of topics related to Best Practices in Opioid Prescribing and Management.

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