Today we bring you important news from NC Division of Health Benefits:
The Advanced Medical Home (AMH) is NC Medicaid’s cornerstone primary care program, serving more than 2 million Medicaid members across the state. Innovative primary care payment is critical to supporting practice improvements that lead to the outcomes that matter to Medicaid enrollees and their families.
Prepaid health plans (PHPs) are currently required to offer performance incentive payment arrangements to AMH practices based on a defined set of AMH quality measures; however, provider feedback and formal PHP reporting indicate that approach to these arrangements varies widely among PHPs. This variability makes it difficult for AMH practices to consistently participate in incentive arrangements across plans and to focus and align their quality improvement efforts for Medicaid members.
To address these challenges, NC Medicaid plans to implement the AMH Standardized Performance Incentive program in 2026. Additional details can be found in the draft AMH Standardized Performance Incentive Program Policy Guide, which is being shared for community partner input.
Standard Plans and Tailored Plans would be required to offer this program to all AMHs. Participation in the program is optional for AMH practices, and PHPs and AMHs may agree to other Value-Based Payment models in addition to or in lieu of this program, if desired.
The AMH Standardized Performance Incentive program was developed as a feature of North Carolina’s participation in the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Making Care Primary (MCP) model. CMS recently announced the MCP model will be ending early by Dec. 31, 2025, nine years earlier than planned. While the Medicare MCP model will not be continuing, the Department’s proposed AMH Standardized Performance Incentive program remains an important step to advance NC Medicaid’s goals of reducing provider burden and improving health outcomes.
NC Medicaid is seeking additional feedback from community partners on the design of the AMH Standardized Performance Incentive Program and will continue to meet and collaborate with community partners and CMS in the consideration and design of this proposal.
Community partners are encouraged to provide feedback on the draft AMH Standardized Performance Incentive Program Policy Guide by emailing (subject line “AMH Standardized Performance Incentive Program Feedback”) by April 21, 2025.