What's New at NWAHEC

Exploring the Intergenerational Center for Arts and Wellness

Apr 25, 2024 10:00:00 AM / by Brooke Kochanski posted in seniors, senior services, physical therapy, youth


Excitement filled the air as the Northwest AHEC team gathered for a much-anticipated team meeting and tour of the brand-new Intergenerational Center for Arts and Wellness in Winston-Salem. The team was eager to explore this innovative space and learn about the cutting-edge practices of Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy. This visit offered a unique opportunity for the team to witness firsthand the collaboration between different generations, which is sure to spark curiosity and interest in these vital healthcare professions among the younger generations to start a path into healthcare.

The Winston-Salem State University (WSSU) School of Health Sciences (SOHS) is a dedicated space partner in the new Senior Services Intergenerational Center for Arts and Wellness. The space houses several specialty clinics currently offered by the WSSU SOHS in and around East Winston and surrounding areas that provide health and preventive care services and programming for the underserved population. The goal is to also expand the health services offered to meet the needs of the community while providing experiential learning for WSSU SOHS students in a state-of-the-art facility.

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Don't Miss the Winston-Salem Dance Medicine Conference 2021

Sep 13, 2021 4:00:00 PM / by Brooke Kochanski posted in dance medicine, physical therapy


Participation in dance as a sport continues to grow. As a result of increased participation, therefore, there is a growing need for health care providers to understand this group of athletes and their unique demands: their biomechanics are extreme, their psychosocial stressors are significant and the treatments they require are unique.

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