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Medicare Education 101 with Marvin Musick

May 20, 2024 3:46:25 PM / by Andrew L. Brewer, MS, NBHWC posted in Medicaid, Uninsured, Primary Care, medicare, learning, Healthcare Insights, care planning, online learning, Preventive Care, health literacy, podcast, access, financial assistance, medical provider, prescriptions, compassion fatigue, Tailored Plans, Medicare advantage, health care, Adult health, insurance


Pastor and founder of MedicareSchool.com joins us for a primer on Medicare. He demystifies Medicare, when and how it begins, what you can receive, and cost considerations. And he shares the decision making processes (and common mistakes) people make when choosing their coverage.

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CNA Challenges & Rewards Conference: Caring for Yourself and Others

Apr 14, 2022 3:00:00 PM / by Brooke Kochanski posted in Nursing, CNA, compassion fatigue, burnout, dementia


Join us on June 3rd 8:30am-12:35pm for this conference! With skill and compassion, these caregivers are an exceptional group of professionals that have the benefit of spending the greatest amount of time with the persons being served. Because they are typically the first to observe changes in status, they have potential to be the source of solutions to a majority of the challenges confronting most care settings.

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