What's New at NWAHEC

A Mission to Care

Feb 12, 2021 12:00:00 PM / by Andrew L. Brewer, MS, NBHWC posted in Social Determinants of Health, NCDHHS, telehealth, engagement, Wellness, public health, Healthcare Insights, mental health, Healthy Opportunities, Community


I recently connected with Jeremy Moseley, the Director of Community Engagement of FaithHealth, to discuss the mission and their ministries. Their mission is to build, align and animate religious and community assets to improve access to health care and the health of the community - a mission that aligns well with Northwest AHEC's. 

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Join Us for the 2021 NC Annual STD Update - 3/31/21

Jan 26, 2021 10:00:00 AM / by NW AHEC posted in Webinar, public health, STD Update


2021 NC Annual STD Update is being held on March 31, 2021 and will be live via Webex ONLY.

To keep all safe, we have decided to host the 2021 NC Annual STD Update as a fully virtual program with no group remote viewing site options.

The 2021 Update will provide up-to-date information on prevention, management and treatment of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). The program will also include a panel discussion with case studies that will review common disease states that may complicate treatment, explore emerging infections, and discuss the future of testing technique implementation.

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