The conference is a place where individuals working and involved in recovery as defined in its broadest terms can share their work and gain support from others involved in the recovery movement. Join us April 27-29, 2022 at The Conference Center at GTCC, Colfax, NC. Register by April 12th for discounted rates!
Registration Now OpenCheck Out the Agenda & Keynote SpeakersWe invite you to attend in person or via live webinar... 13th Annual NC “One Community in Recovery” Conference: Healing Together After Being Apart
The conference is primarily focused on promoting the growth of the North Carolina Recovery Movement, teaching participants how to get recovery programming up and running in their own communities, showcasing the most progressive recovery practices, and bringing individuals interested in the recovery movement together as students and partners. Get registered today!
**Register before April 12th for discounted rates.**
Scholarship Options (Apply by March 18, 2022)
The planners of this conference realize that one of the best ways we can become "One Community in Recovery" is to ensure that community members are learning new information together. We want to ensure that people who have first person experiences with recovery have the opportunity to participate. If you have a fixed or limited income, you are invited to apply for a scholarship to cover the conference registration fee. Find out more and apply on the website.
2022 Keynote Presenters
Haner Hernández, PhD, CPS, CADCII, LADCI, Consultant, Hernandez Consulting on Thursday April 28th 9:30am - Recovery Processes Grounded in Equity
David W. Oaks, Revolutionary Consultant, Ačiū! Institute, LLC on Friday, April 29th 12:30pm - Mental Health Peer Revolution: Our Lived Experience Can Support the Whole Community’s Recovery
Who Should Attend?
We warmly invite all individuals involved in any aspect of recovery and resiliency around mental health and substance use disorders. This conference will be beneficial to addictions specialists, administrators, advocates, allies, counselors, educators, family members, individuals with lived experience, marriage and family therapists, peer support specialists, policy makers, psychologists, social workers, and other health and human service professionals interested in recovery.
Conference Registration Fees - In Person
Early Registration | After April 12th | |
Full Conference (Wed/Thurs/Fri) | $210 | $225 |
Wednesday Pre-Conference Only | $55 | $60 |
Thursday & Friday Only | $155 | $165 |
Thursday Or Friday Only | $95 | $105 |
Conference Registration Fees - Virtual Only
Early Registration | After April 12th | |
Full Conference (Wed/Thurs/Fri) | $155 | $170 |
Wednesday Pre-Conference Only | $40 | $45 |
Thursday & Friday Only | $115 | $125 |
Thursday Or Friday Only | $70 | $80 |
Lodging is available at the group rate of $89 per night for the evenings of April 27th and 28th. La Quinta by Wyndham at 7905 Triad Center Drive, Greensboro, NC 27409. Contact by phone (336) 840-1550 or visit the website. Please mention "One Community" to secure the group rate.
One Community in Recovery Conference is provided by Northwest Area Health Education Center (AHEC), a program of Wake Forest School of Medicine and part of the NC AHEC System, with support from the NC Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse Services and the UNC School of Social Work Behavioral Health Springboard. This program is funded in part by the SAMHSA Community Mental Health Services Block Grant.