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Don’t Miss Out! Secure Your Spot at the 26th Annual Diabetes Management Conference Today! 📅✨

Sep 19, 2024 11:30:00 AM / by Brooke Kochanski

Don't miss out on the opportunity to join us this November.


1723221614-diabetes-conference-graphicedited-lgNovember 15, 2024

In-Person ONLY

Wake Forest University, Benson University Center in Winston-Salem, NC

Registration now open!


This conference is designed to provide diabetes best practices for healthcare professionals. Participants will gain knowledge about specific topics in the field of diabetes management. It is imperative that providers remain educated in all aspects of their patients’ care, from clinical management to behavior and quality of life. Find out all the details and get registered today - click here.



  • Discuss the role of supplements in therapeutic management of the person with diabetes.
  • Explain factors in prevention and management of wounds in relation to the person with diabetes.
  • Describe the role of mental health and how it impacts the population of those with diabetes.
  • Discuss strategies for utilizing continuous glucose monitoring to implement lifestyle changes in diabetes management.
  • Identify best practices for effective communication and barriers to patient care management for the person with diabetes.
  • Identify acute and long term complications of hypoglycemia as well as prevention strategies.


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Tags: Wellness, diabetes

Brooke Kochanski

Written by Brooke Kochanski

Marketing & Communications Specialist at Northwest AHEC

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