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Crisis Control: Food, Pharmacy, Financial, and Community Support in Forsyth and Stokes County

Jul 26, 2024 5:01:02 PM / by Andrew L. Brewer, MS, NBHWC

Making ends meet in America is a challenge for many who are just getting by month to month. When life throws a curveball, expenses can accelerate faster than income. This is a crisis for those without savings. The curveball can continue to cascade into the future, further increasing the gap between debt and income. Financial stress doesn’t discriminate, it can fall on anyone, and leaves many feeling hopeless and in need. That’s where Crisis Control Ministry comes in.

Margaret Elliot, Executive Director, and Tina Adkins, Director of Client Services come on the podcast to discuss the mission and operations of Crisis Control Ministry in Winston-Salem and Kernersville, North Carolina (https://www.crisiscontrol.org/) and how they help those in financial crisis pay for food, medications, rent/mortgage, utilities, car repairs and more, and about their community education workshops, fundraising, and how they serve those in need.

Search “Healthcare Insights in Northwest Carolina” Episode 101 wherever you listen to podcasts or click the link or player below to listen now.


Tags: Social Determinants of Health, Healthcare Insights, Community, Case Management, Relief Fund

Andrew L. Brewer, MS, NBHWC

Written by Andrew L. Brewer, MS, NBHWC

Instructional Technologist at Northwest AHEC, Nationally Certified Health and Wellness Coach

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