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Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare with Metin Gurcan, PhD

Sep 9, 2024 3:47:54 PM / by Andrew L. Brewer, MS, NBHWC

Metin Gurcan, PhD, director of the director of the Center for Artificial Intelligence Research and the Clinical Image Analysis Lab at Wake Forest University School of Medicine joins the Healthcare Insights in Northwest North Carolina podcast to talk about his research in Artificial Intelligence in healthcare. 

In this episode, Dr. Gurcan shares his excitement of the current state of AI in healthcare and his concerns about its limitations.

As a professor and scientist with more than 200 peer-reviewed publications and book chapters and an inventor with six patents for inventions in medical image analysis, he strives to educate and mentor the next generation. He shares his deep love for the health of all people, and how AI is improving diagnosis and healthcare delivery.

Listen to this episode at https://soundcloud.com/nwahecwebmaster (or by clicking the play button below) or search for "Healthcare Insights in Northwest North Carolina" wherever you listen to podcasts.


Tags: Healthcare Insights, research, podcast, artificial intelligence

Andrew L. Brewer, MS, NBHWC

Written by Andrew L. Brewer, MS, NBHWC

Instructional Technologist at Northwest AHEC, Nationally Certified Health and Wellness Coach

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