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Join Us November 13th for Supporting Veterans into Safety - Live Webinar

Sep 18, 2024 2:30:00 PM / by Brooke Kochanski

This presentation will provide knowledge and background on Veteran risk and protective factors to support risk assessment and safety planning. Attending this training will improve competencies related to supporting Veterans in crisis. Register Today!

1722261589-microsoftteams-image-1-lgNovember 13, 2024 9AM-11AM




  • Discuss Veteran suicide data and suicide prevention efforts.
  • Identify risk factors and unique needs of Veterans related to suicide.
  • Review tools to aid in suicide risk management clinical decision making.
  • Describe the purpose of safety planning and strategies for collaborating in developing safety plans.
  • Cite resources for continued education and competencies related to serving the military community.




Tags: mental health, social work, veterans

Brooke Kochanski

Written by Brooke Kochanski

Marketing & Communications Specialist at Northwest AHEC

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