What's New at NWAHEC

2024 LPN Symposium: Elevate Your Nursing Practice with Expert Insights

Sep 6, 2024 11:15:00 AM / by Brooke Kochanski

Join us for the 2024 LPN Symposium on October 4th, dynamic hybrid event that promises to engage and inspire!


AdobeStock_492247388October 4, 2024 / 8:20 AM - 1:00 PM

Registration options include:

Live Zoom Webinar

Group viewing at Northwest AHEC (Winston-Salem)

Group viewing at South Piedmont AHEC (Charlotte)


This knowledge-based conference will provide LPNs from different practice settings the information and strategies to maximize their important role on the health care team and enhance their professional practice. Register Now!


This educational event is jointly Provided by Northwest Area Health Education Center (AHEC), a program of Wake Forest University School of Medicine and by South Piedmont AHEC. Both are part of the NC AHEC System.



• NCBON: LPN Scope of Practice
• Transition to Acute Care Panel Discussion
• End of Life Care
• Pressure Injury Prevention
• Self-Care/Burnout/Mindfulness

Learner Outcome:
Participants will be able to gain knowledge about the responsibility and accountability of nursing practice and a variety of evidence-based topics which are relevant to his/her practice.


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Tags: Nursing, lpn, conference, continuing education

Brooke Kochanski

Written by Brooke Kochanski

Marketing & Communications Specialist at Northwest AHEC

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