Practice Support Update Blog

It's Here! The 2021 QPP Final Rule.

Dec 9, 2020 3:30:00 PM / by Practice Support Team posted in MIPS, QPP, APP, APM, MVP, Final Rule


The 2021 QPP Final Rule is now available.  For updates and key policy changes take a look at the 2021 Quality Payment Program Final Rule Overview Fact Sheet and other Final Rule resources found here.   

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Are you ready for the PY2020 MIPS Reporting?

Dec 2, 2020 9:30:00 AM / by Practice Support Team posted in MACRA, MIPS, Promoting Interoperability, Hardship Exception, QPP


MIPSIt’s that time again. The deadline for reporting your PY2020 MIPS data is just around the corner. You will need to submit your MIPS data by March 31st, 2021.   

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