Practice Support Update Blog

Highlighted Resource - Screen and Intervene: A Toolkit for Pediatricians to Address Food Insecurity

Sep 25, 2024 10:45:00 AM / by Janice Moore, MLS posted in NCAHEC, food insecurity


Food insecurity for children is a serious issue that can have lifelong impacts on health.

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Addressing the Healthcare Workforce Shortage, We Need Your Help

Feb 14, 2024 2:30:00 PM / by Megan Mills Anderson posted in NCAHEC, health careers, TPM


Dear Healthcare Partners, 

In an effort to better address the significant shortage of health care workers, Northwest AHEC is partnering with the NC Center on the Workforce for Health (NC AHEC, Sheps Center, NC IOM), the NC Chamber Foundation to develop and implement a plan to create the next generation of healthcare clinicians and staff.

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NWAHEC Awarded NC Medicaid Grant to Support 5 Online Learning Activities

Jan 17, 2024 10:08:00 AM / by Leslie D McDowell, DNP, ANP-BC, RN posted in NCAHEC, behavioral health, social work, psychology, social justice, online learning, integrated care, intervention


The Northwest AHEC Practice Support Team was awarded a grant from NC Medicaid supporting five different online self-paced learning activities.

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Highlighted Resource: Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection (RSV)

Nov 30, 2022 2:02:00 PM / by Practice Support Team posted in NCAHEC, respiratory care


Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection (RSV) rates are increasing earlier and more quickly than usual in 2022, leading to higher risks for infants and young children, older adults, and adults with chronic conditions.

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Nursing Needs YOU! NC AHEC RN Refresher Program.

Feb 21, 2022 5:30:00 PM / by Brooke Kochanski posted in NCAHEC, Nursing, rn refresher


For over 30 years, the NC Area Health Education Center RN Refresher Program has helped thousands of nurses rejuvenate their careers and go back to work. Now more than ever, our state needs nurses. The program is offering a discount for the program through April 30th. 

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Medicaid Managed Care WEBINAR SERIES: Quality & Population Health

Jan 24, 2022 4:07:48 PM / by Practice Support Team posted in Medicaid Managed Care, NCAHEC, population health


This series, formerly the Advanced Medical Home (AMH) Webinar Series, is designed to support practice managers, quality improvement professionals, care coordinators, and others within your practice who are responsible for meeting the NC Medicaid Managed Care provider requirements. All webinars are from 5:30-6:30 PM. Join us for one or for all!

Thursday, February 24 | Evaluating Medicaid Transformation
Thursday, March 24 | COVID-19 Vaccination in the Medicaid Population
Thursday, April 28 | Topic coming soon!
Thursday, May 26 | Topic coming soon!

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Future Clinician Leaders College Project Work

Dec 1, 2021 2:11:26 PM / by Practice Support Team posted in NCAHEC, practice support


Is your practice interested in getting help from an interprofessional team of graduate level health professions students participating in a leadership group through the North Carolina Medical Society call the Future Clinical Leaders College? 

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Back Porch Chat: Medicaid Managed Care Hot Topics

Nov 9, 2021 2:15:26 PM / by Practice Support Team posted in NCAHEC


Please join NC Medicaid Chief Medical Officer (CMO) Dr. Shannon Dowler and Chief of Quality Kelly Crosbie, along with all the NC Medicaid Managed Care Plan CMOs and Behavioral Health (BH) Directors, for the November Back Porch Chat on Thursday, November 18 from 5:30-6:30 p.m.

novbackporchIn addition to timely hot topic updates, this webinar will focus on Behavioral Health Collaborative Care Codes and how we can support a practice's ability to help us achieve the goal of integrated physical and behavioral healthcare for Medicaid beneficiaries in NC. The Managed Care Plan BH Directors will be speaking to key aspects of successfully using specific BH collaborative care codes, and colleagues in practice will share how codes are used in primary care including best practices, lessons learned, specific use cases/scenarios, and more!

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Quality & Population Health Webinar | November 16

Nov 3, 2021 8:15:00 AM / by Practice Support Team posted in Medicaid Managed Care, NCDHHS, NCAHEC, Quality Improvement, population health


The third webinar in the Quality & Population Health Webinar series, formerly the Advanced Medical Home (AMH) Webinar series, will be held November 16 from 5:30-6:30 p.m. and will focus on PCP Assignments and Working with Clinically Integrated Networks (CINs). Following the presentations, there will be time for Q&A. This webinar series is designed to support providers, practice managers, quality improvement professionals, care managers, and CINs. We hope you can join us!

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Reminder Back Porch Chat: Hot Topics in Medicaid Managed Care

Oct 20, 2021 3:40:59 PM / by Practice Support Team posted in Medicaid, NCDHHS, NCAHEC, COVID-19


Please join NC Medicaid Chief Medical Officer (CMO) Dr. Shannon Dowler, along with all the NC Medicaid Managed Care plan CMO’s, for the October Back Porch Chat on October 21 from 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.

backporchchatThis webinar will review new COVID-19 surge response offerings from NC Medicaid, including a COVID-19 vaccine incentive program for NC Medicaid beneficiaries. It will also review how to help a patient who needs Behavioral Health and Individual Developmental Disabilities (I/DD) Tailored Plan behavioral health services move from a standard plan to NC Medicaid Direct.

In efforts at improving transparency, this webinar will provide an overview of a claims dashboard and clinical quality measures, and show results across plans in our first quarter of NC Medicaid Managed Care.

Finally, it will summarize the “latest and greatest” in recent Medicaid bulletins and answer your questions. Please use this link to submit your questions in advance.

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