The Collaborative Care Model (CoCM) is one of the most highly researched integrated care models that applies a team-based, interdisciplinary approach to deliver evidence-based diagnoses, treatment, and follow-up care for patients with mild to moderate behavioral health needs.

A Primary Care Provider (PCP) leads the Collaborative Care team, which includes a Behavioral Health Care Manager (BHCM), Psychiatric Consultants, and other mental health professionals.
The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) has partnered with NC AHEC to provide educational and practice-based support to primary care practices interested in implementing the Collaborative Care Model. This includes coaching on workflows, billing/coding, registry implementation, and continuing education programs.
NC AHEC will be offering CoCM virtual learning opportunities, including:
- Education Modules, designed for providers interested in learning about the CoCM.
- Collaborative Learning Sessions, designed for providers actively engaged with NC AHEC coaches to implement the CoCM within their practices.
In addition to learning opportunities, NC AHEC will provide coaching support to practices that accept Medicaid.
We look forward to connecting with you!