This series, formerly the Advanced Medical Home (AMH) Webinar Series, is designed to to support practice managers, quality improvement professionals, care coordinators, and others within your practice who are responsible for meeting the NC Medicaid Managed Care Provider requirements. All webinars are from 5:30-6:30 PM. Join us for one or for all!Thursday, September 9 | PIP Kickoff - AMH/Provider Support Integration in QI / TCM Certification Updates / AMH Updates
Thursday, October 14 | Integrated Care for Kids (InCK) / CIS Combo / TCM Announcements
Wednesday, November 10 | PCP Assignment / Working with CINs / HbA1C.9.0
Register for the Quality & Population Health Webinars
Did you know that all of the materials from our webinar series are archived on Visit our website to view the recordings, slide decks, and transcripts from the Medicaid Managed Care, Advanced Medical Home, and COVID-19 webinars.
For questions about provider trainings and other NC Medicaid resources, please contact