Practice Support Update Blog

Overview of Nurse Practitioners in North Carolina: Regulations, Scope of Practice, and Common Questions

Sep 18, 2024 7:15:00 AM / by Practice Support Team

female pediatrician and a little boy where both are smiling

The role of Nurse Practitioners (NPs) in North Carolina is integral to the health care system.  As advanced practice registered nurses, NPs are trained to provide high-quality care, often serving as primary care providers.  This overview will delve into the regulations governing NP practice in North Carolina, address common questions regarding their scope of practice, prescriptive authority, collaboration requirements, and documentation.  The speaker will also dispel a few myths related to NPs!

Are you 

  • A practice manager in a clinic that employs Nurse Practitioners?
  • A Nurse Practitioner working in an ambulatory setting?
  • A supervising Physician for a Nurse Practitioner?

If you answered yes to any of those questions, this free lunch and learn is for you!

Speaker: Kimberly Luisana, DNP, NP-C

Date: October 16, 2024

Time: 12 Noon - 1 PM

Learn More and Register Here




Tags: Primary Care, Pediatrics, physicians, practice management, nurse practitioners

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