Postpartum depression is a form of depression that occurs in some women following pregnancy and delivery. It is one of the most common medical complications during the six months following childbirth and is associated with adverse outcomes for both mother and child. In North Carolina, nearly 11% of women experienced postpartum depression. Source: America's Health Rankings

Postpartum depression is just one mental health concern that may arise for postpartum patients.
NC MATTERS is a statewide perinatal psychiatric access service available to all health care providers who interact with pregnant and postpartum patients. Their team of perinatal psychiatrists and social workers offers FREE provider-to-provider psychiatric consultation, a telepsychiatry clinic for select patients, community resource and referral support, and ongoing training opportunities for providers.
Learn more about NC Matters and the NC Psychiatry Access Line (NCPAL) and how these programs can help you care for your patients.