This webinar series is designed to support all Medicaid providers, practice managers, quality improvement professionals, care coordinators and other leaders within your practice to help you prepare for the launch of Tailored Plans in December of 2022.

Thursday, September 15th | 5:30 PM
Please tune in for timely Medicaid updates in this monthly series that will continue through Tailored Plan launch to ensure that all of us are ready for launch!
Please join NC Medicaid Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Shannon Dowler, for a “Meet and Greet” with the Tailored Plan CMOs and CEOs for the fourth Back Porch Chat session of our Tailored Plan 101: Ready, Set, Launch Series on Thursday, September 15 from 5:30-6:45 p.m. Hear directly from them on contracting status, network adequacy and how integration of physical and behavioral health will be advanced in this unique NC model of managed Medicaid.
Have a question that you would like answered by the CEOs or CMOs during the webinar? Please submit your questions to this link before Friday, September 9.