Practice Support Services

Are your providers registered with NCDAVE? Electronic Death Certification effective March 1, 2022

Written by Practice Support Team | Feb 23, 2022 1:15:00 PM

North Carolina is converting to all electronic death certification effective March 1, 2022, using the NCDAVE platform. 

Electronic Death Registration With NCDAVE will make the job of Medical Certifiers and their Staff easier, improve accuracy, and simplify the completion of death certificates, while better serving families of decedents. It will also speed the collection of statistical data essential to protecting and improving people’s health.

Users must receive training prior to being issued an NCDAVE account. Medical Certifiers and their staff are encouraged to complete either short, role based online training videos, watch prerecorded
training sessions, or sign up for an optional live online question-and-answer session on the Vital
Records website. 

This two page guide by the North Carolina Medical Board answers basic questions and provides links to short training videos, and you will find additional resources from the North Carolina Office of Vital Records