What's New at NWAHEC

Gravidas at Risk 2021: Join Us 11/16-11/17

Written by Brooke Kochanski | Sep 9, 2021 2:34:00 PM

For 39 years the Gravidas at Risk Annual Perinatal Conference has been keeping attendees informed of the clinical issues and strategies important in the care of high-risk pregnant women. We had a very successful webinar last year for this activity and will hold this years conference via live webinar again. Holding webinars allows for better reach to our target audience and helps Health Department nurses obtain this critical information even on limited time and travel budget. 

Join us for this Live Webinar
November 16 - 17, 2021

REGISTRATION IS OPEN! Gravidas at Risk is an annual 2-day statewide perinatal conference designed to address both inpatient and outpatient care.



  • Discuss the implications of hypertensive disorders on pregnancy outcomes.
  • Identify strategies to assist at-risk families with breastfeeding.
  • Explore the implications of diabetes during pregnancy.
  • Explain the many impacts of Centering Pregnancy.
  • Identify the effects of the COVID-19 vaccine on mothers and babies.
  • Describe mental health challenges for pregnant women during the COVID pandemic.
  • Analyze selected obstetric case studies.
  • Describe the challenges associated with marijuana use during pregnancy.

NOTE: Due to ongoing COVID pandemic concerns, this event will be via live webinar only.