What's New at NWAHEC

Call For Award Nominations - One Community in Recovery Conference

Written by Brooke Kochanski | Jan 12, 2021 3:54:00 PM


Recovery Champion Award Nomination

This award will recognize three (3) individuals: one each from the western, central and eastern regions of North Carolina. Recovery Champion Awards will be given to people who have dedicated their individual talents, whether through professional work or volunteering, to successfully promote mental health and/or substance use recovery. Nominations should describe how a NC Recovery Champion has promoted recovery-oriented programming, created system-wide recovery-oriented change, or supported the recovery process of specific individuals. All Nominations will be reviewed and selected by a panel of Recovery Conference Planning Committee members. Award recipients will be provided FREE REGISTRATION to the conference!

Youth/Young Adult Voice Award Nomination

This award will recognize and celebrate a youth/young adult under the age of 26 in North Carolina who has dedicated their individual talents, whether through sharing their story, advocacy or volunteering, to successfully promote resilience mental health and/or substance use recovery. All Nominations will be reviewed and selected by a panel that will include young adult peers in North Carolina. Award recipients will be provided FREE REGISTRATION to the conference!


To apply, please visit this page to learn more and submit your application by March 12, 2021.