What's New at NWAHEC

Anxiety and Life Satisfaction with Coach James Traub

Written by Andrew L. Brewer, MS, NBHWC | Oct 13, 2023 2:33:49 PM

Emotions are energy in motion. How we embody them into our current state of being determines our mood, disposition, dopamine and cortisol levels, and much more. If we find ourselves in a state of anxiety, James suggests ways to work out a path through, and closer to peace of mind, calm, confidence, and more.

James work with clients who are struggling with anxiety levels and co-creates a plan to work forward to better wellness, strong mission and defined purpose, and ultimately a better self working towards an identified vision of your best self.

Join in by listening in this episode of Healthcare Insights in Northwest North Carolina featuring life satisfaction coach James Traub, certified wellness coach, husband, and father dedicated to the betterment of humanity.