Save the Date as we return to Hickory, North Carolina on November 5-6, 2025 for the 43rd Annual Perinatal Gravidas at Risk Conference.
Gravidas at Risk is an annual 2-day statewide perinatal conference designed to address both inpatient and outpatient care.
Highlights from the 42nd Annual Perinatal Conference on High-Risk Pregnancy
The 42nd Annual Perinatal Conference: Gravidas at Risk brought together over 140 healthcare professionals including nurses, care managers, providers, and educators eager to expand their knowledge in perinatal care. The conference, held over two days at the Hickory Metro Convention Center, served as a platform for education and collaboration among those dedicated to improving maternal and neonatal outcomes.
This year’s conference focused on the challenges and advancements in high-risk pregnancy care, with speakers sharing cutting-edge research, best practices, and innovative strategies to enhance maternal care. The sessions covered a range of crucial topics including Building Collaborative Partnerships Within Maternity Care Teams, Bridging the Gap Between Acute and Rural Health Settings for Maternal Care, Best Practices and Prevention Strategies for Postpartum Hemorrhage, Advanced Care Updates for Advanced Maternal Age, and Preventing Pre-term Labor. There was also a much-needed discussion on maintaining resilience and flourishing amid the evolving challenges in healthcare.
A particularly exciting aspect of the conference was the presence of several nursing students eager to explore perinatal nursing as a career path. Their participation underscored the importance of mentorship and continued education in preparing the next generation of perinatal care providers. We look forward to equipping healthcare professionals with the knowledge and tools to provide the best possible care for high-risk pregnancies as we return to Hickory, North Carolina on November 5-6, 2025 for the 43rd Annual Perinatal Gravidas at Risk Conference.
What participants had to say:
“Very relevant information and the speakers were knowledgeable and personable. 10/10!”
“Absolutely my favorite conference each year - have been attending several years and this was the best conference yet. Loved the venue, hotel, and all of the speakers.”
“Excellent speakers, engaging, informed, though-provoking!”
Who Should Attend?
Nurses, nurse practitioners, nurse midwives, social workers, educators and other healthcare professionals who caring for the childbearing family in both inpatient and outpatient settings.
As part of its commitment to diversity and inclusion, the Northwest AHEC and Wake Forest Baptist Health provide compassionate education and respectful care for all, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity or expression.
For More Information or Assistance
If you have questions about registering for this activity or need auxiliary aids or special services to attend, please contact Lisa Thomas at least five working days before the activity at 336-713-7729 or lisathom@wakehealth.edu.