What's New at NWAHEC

Register Early - Space Limited for Results-Based Accountability™: Do the Right Things and Do Them Well

Written by Brooke Kochanski | Mar 9, 2023 2:49:00 PM

Join us May 9th-11th for this Live Webinar. 


May 9-11, 2023
Live Webinar - REGISTER NOW

Results-Based Accountability™ (RBA) is a disciplined way of thinking and acting to improve entrenched and complex social problems. Communities use RBA to improve the lives of children, youth, families, and adults. It is also used by organizations to improve the effectiveness of their programs and services.

This RBA curriculum is developed by the NC AHECs, in collaboration with the NC Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Public Health and the Foundation for Health Leadership and Innovation to build RBA capacity in North Carolina. Healthy North Carolina 2030 (HNC 2030) and the North Carolina State Health Improvement Plan (NC SHIP) inform the activities and the examples used in this course. Participants will gain knowledge in the RBA framework and skill in applying key concepts.

Registration fee for this program is $50, space is limited and participants are encouraged to register early in order to receive the book prior to the course. Please visit our website to register.