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NCPAT Conference: How Do I Become a Better Facilitator Going Forward from COVID

Written by Brooke Kochanski | Jun 29, 2021 12:30:00 PM

For the first time in most of our lives, we shared a worldwide experience that profoundly challenged our everyday assumptions and disrupted our day-to-day reality. COVID-19 brought an unprecedented mix of new stressors, emotions, difficulties and possibilities, for the people in our programs, as well as for each one of us. We ALL had to figure out how to respond. For most of us at the conference our individual response included the decision to continue doing transformative work with other people--many of whom had challenges that become even more complex and exacerbated by the fear, disruption and extreme stress of the times. It’s was a lot.

What can we learn about ourselves, about the way we show-up in our work, from our experiences during COVID? How can we translate this learning to continuous growth and improvement of the ways we interact with the people in our programs?

In this 2-day workshop, we will utilize an experiential immersion with the approach of Healing Focused Care to engage with these questions. As an immersion, the workshop is not only an intellectual enterprise, but also an opportunity to connect with our own emotional wellness.

Healing Focused Care is an approach to creating a conscious, purposeful, compassionate, and respectful culture of trauma awareness and wellness, which incorporates the best evidence-based strategies to allow space for trauma to heal. Allowing space is a way of being in relationship with people struggling with the impacts of trauma that serves to counteract the adaptive attitudes and behaviors that are dysfunctional to healthy relationships. 

Registration is open and is $125 for NCPAT members, $225 for non-members - visit our website to register!

Download Event Brochure - For Full Agenda and Details

Upon completion of this program, participants should be better able to:

  • Discuss the impact of COVID-19.
  • Explain the effects of trauma.
  • Describe the impact of survival brain and perceived threats to safety on belief system and behavior.
  • Explain trauma as a disconnect from Authentic Self.
  • Describe core wounds and triggers.
  • Discuss trauma narratives.
  • Facilitate self-mastery and healing.
Who Should Attend
This conference will be beneficial to providers of abuser treatment, law enforcement, social workers, victim advocates, clergy, health care professionals, peer support specialists, marriage and family therapists, licensed professional counselors, substance abuse counselors and psychologists

Jointly Provided by: NC Providers of Abuser Treatment (NCPAT), NC Council for Women, Mecklenburg County Community Support Services and Northwest Area Health Education Center (AHEC), a program of Wake Forest School of Medicine and a part of the NC AHEC System.