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Get Out and Celebrate National Walking Day - April 7th

Written by Brooke Kochanski | Apr 7, 2021 12:00:00 PM

National Walking Day is every year on the first Wednesday in April. National Walking Day is exactly as it sounds – a day to celebrate the easiest way to be the healthiest version of you. Walking for thirty to sixty minutes per day may sound like it isn’t much, but studies have shown that it can drastically improve your health and even help prevent ailments such as type II diabetes, cancer, and heart disease. 


HOW TO OBSERVE #NationalWalkingDay

Take thirty minutes out of your day to go for a walk. Find a trail near you or walk around your neighborhood. You can also visit a local park or walk on your treadmill. Take your canine pals with you, too. They need the cardiovascular workout, too! When the family has finished your walk around the block or park, complete this fun word search puzzle.

Do you need some visual inspiration while walking on the treadmill? Take this walk along the beach.


  • 48% don’t get enough exercise: Less than 48% of adults in the US get enough aerobic exercise to improve their health. That includes walking! Get outside and get that heart rate up!
  • 15 minutes to curb cravings: All it takes is 15 minutes of walking to actually curb a craving for chocolate or other sweet-related foods. Next time you’re looking for something sweet, take a walk around the block.
  • 20 minutes for fewer sick days: A study found that those who walked twenty minutes per day for five days a week reported taking nearly fifty percent fewer sick days than those who exercised once per week or less!

Get up and MOVE!