Northwest AHEC joined the March for Babies movement to create positive change for moms and babies everywhere, especially those most at risk.
Our team of 12 staff members raised $645 to support March for Babies movement. Feel free to visit our fundraising page to make a donation. Together we are part of a movement to make America a more equitable place and ensure that every mom and baby is healthy.
The Northwest AHEC team also walked in memory of our dear coworker, Nicole McLaurin, who passed away last year shortly after delivering her newborn baby. Each staff member wore a white ribbon in memory of Nicole during our walk.
How We Measure Up
We have a lot of work to do. On the March of Dimes website there is a "report card" feature which shows the state of North Carolina Preterm Birth Grade as a D+. In the 2020 Report Card key indicators are highlighted to describe and improve maternal and infant health in the United States (U.S.). Preterm birth and its complications are the second largest contributor to infant death in the U.S., and preterm birth rates have been increasing for five years. Our preterm birth rate is 10.7% as a state and 12.2% for Forsyth County. Prematurity grades are assigned by comparing the 2019 preterm birth grade to March of Dimes' goal of 8.1 percent by 2020.
Social Determinants of Health
Many structural, systemic and environmental factors influence the health of moms and babies, especially for Black, American Indian and Alaska Native people. When looking at factors such as access to maternity care, financial stability and health insurance status, these disparities persist. Systemic racism and the wealth gap in the U.S. deepen many health inequities in our society. The onset of COVID-19 has further magnified preexisting health disparities. March of Dimes is collaborating with others to confront these drivers of health outcomes, while identifying solutions to achieve health equity for all.